Ferguson Missouri By the Numbers. Why data is important.

(Data such as this can tell you a lot about a city.)
Sometimes if you analyze the numbers you can tell a lot about the people the data is about. Demographic data is statistical data about populations and the groups within that population. The shooting of an unarmed young black man in Ferguson Mo. was an unfortunate tragedy for not just his family but for all young black men living in the United States. An incident like this opens up the discussion to problems we have in this country which can be analyzed using demographic data. Look at the demographic data provided by Quick facts on the city of Ferguson Missouri. What can you tell about the city from the demographic data? Pract The Facts and search for additional data you can use to give you a more detailed view of the city? If the data had been analyzed and acted upon could the chances of something like this have been prevented or at least reduced?
Click here to Pract The Facts on this issue.